Air, Water, Instagram

 I got this asked a lot on my month and a half social media break: how are you not outdated? Oh how do you know about that? How do you figure out this joke? 

Here’s the delusion about sticking to your social media platforms because you think it will keep you updated with the world news, and detaching from them will leave you disconnected, isolated and depressed.

I don’t blame you; I’ve been there.

I have been there when I realized my huge attachment to my social media platforms, my applications and the visual interactions I go through everyday. I realized I’m super stuck and it made me anxious, I was worried enough about the possibility of not having the internet someday for any reason that I hardly stopped myself from thinking of it.

Until it happened, I reached a point from my perspective and daily life where I couldn’t be on social media for a little while, maybe a day or two, maybe a whole week, maybe a month..

Maybe more than a month and I assure you this is what happened, I started realizing many different life aspects then that I don’t need to mention now as I’m not mastering philosophy nor wanting to go too deep in the meantime but I’m here to focus on some little fact I have witnessed.

Social media isn’t your window to the world but the internet is,

Being distant from your daily number of clicks doesn’t mean you’re not living in a society or among humans who talk and tell stories, I also can tell that everything I ever heard about some going on trend was just similar to any normal story I haven’t experienced myself but enjoyed listening, or even grieving on how sad it is.

Not using your platforms only prevents you from getting hit by the news yourself, and many other shitty things that makes you feel like shit seeing on your daily newsfeed.

Being on your own gets you aware of all the news without even wanting, without even asking, and if you see a little bit closer, you will notice that this is exactly what happens while using your platforms but the light we are turning on here is for “realizing” that knowledge sources influence differently, and when I say “different” I mean I seek positivity for your mental health because life sounds hard when we let it be, we won’t prevent the damage nor pain but we can play it smarter, and here it gets easier and even brighter, I won’t be exaggerating if I called it magnificent.

Imagine being in both worlds; virtual reality and mother reality, I’m not sure who’s ready enough to realize the amount of distraction and stress it puts on our minds and how heavy it steps on our souls.

But I hope you are that one.

I hope you are in so much love with yourself that you would do whatever it takes to enjoy the small things.

And I hope you are aware of how much peacefulness you deserve so that you start living an actual life.