The Book of Shadows (A guide to starting your own Grimoire with easy and simple steps)

Merry meet fellow magickians and enchantress!

For the Witches Amino fellas, it has been a while since my last post so here I come with some enchanted touches for y’all.
Today I decided it’s time to finally talk about the Book of Shadows and the basic tips on how to start your own, as continuously having mine on my altar space makes me receive several questions.. starting from what book is it, what’s inside of it and how to create one.
Aside from that, it’s understandable how confusing starting your own book from scratch could be, so let’s make it as simple as possible yet artsy.

What is the Book of Shadows?

First of all let me introduce you to the BOS, it is a book that contains instructions for your magickal purposes like spells, rituals and witchcraft essentials. And it could be anything related such as your divination and clairvoyance sights or writing down your meditation. 

From where can I buy the journal I’m going to use for the BOS? And how should it look like?

You can get your sketchbook/journal from any stationery house or bookstore. Get it as however you like it to be and with any color that fits your soul.
I’d recommend you get it plain inside out just in case you would like to paint or draw on it so it’ll be much more useful for you.


What sections should the BOS include?

Literally anything you feel like archiving. However, I’ll list you some common elements that could be helpful for you as well.

-Sigils and Runes
-Tips and Hacks

Let me speak about each corner in particular and quick


Your magick book should include reference points which you’ll always get back to and frequently. It’s the constant info that all of your work will rely on such as your all-time main symbols, the elements, dates, facts, personal features, etc.


You may or you may not have a specific path, and it may associate with your spellwork and it may not. However, if you’re combining between them both then it’s very important to write down in your BOS about the path your embracing and mark the most common sides and features and how cooperative it is with the craft.


Every single ingredient has its own features and magick work so you gotta make your book hold the golden data, this would apply on stones, crystals, sages, herbs, oils, tools, etc.

Sigils and Runes

Draw the most important Sigils & Runes so they’ll instantly help you in your magic work when in need, and keep adding more when necessary as well as moon glyphs.



Write everything you’ll need to know before casting a spell. Make sure to list the needed correspondences and tools. Also the chants and steps on how to get your spell done.
After you’re done, go write down how did it go and anything that happened during your work or note any activity that popped up and you want to remind yourself with for later. In addition to the timing and the consequences with familiars and people included.


Describe and let the book include your customary rituals and the very basic ones whether you do it for opening, prayers, protection or anything else, keep it schemed in detail and systematic. You could also set your personal experiments from time to time.

Tips and Hacks

Learning won’t stop even if you try, the more you read and practice the more you will observe and notice on your own and with your personal perspective. Have a section where you can add all of your tips and make it flexible, confused?
Here’s a tip example:
Burning sage with chanting verbally to cleanse the house and rooms, helps you to get rid of negative energy as you’re telling them to leave.
You’re Welcome!

So, This is pretty much everything for a start.. anything additional will definitely be beneficial and based on your diligent pursuit.
From a witch to a witch; I’d advise you to ask yourself the following:
-Why do you practice witchcraft? And what are you looking forward to?
-What type of witch are you? (Check out the types of witches)

Answering these questions clearly in your Book of Shadows will help you determine many aspects of your work and will help you settle down your rules accompanied with the power of your mind.
As I mentioned above, feel free to add anything you find useful to your magick book as you keep bringing magick to your daily life within the simplest activities such as blessing your morning coffee. If you receive fire signs, go write them down!

I really hope this article has boosted your knowledge and got you motivated for using papers,
Thank you so much for reading and feel free to contact me regarding any questions at:

Blessed be,
Note: Images are blurred due to personal information