At this part of my life, I wouldn’t like to say that I’m depressed or that I’m miserable.. I just found out the literal conception of my state, I’m a jealous disappointed smart kid. I’ve spent my life not knowing what to call myself on how different I am.. and not belonging anywhere but not until I realized where my passion is taking me so that I started calling myself stuff that had a title.
I thought this is where I get driven into lifestyle and career and knowing who I am is definitely the way to achievements. Although I'm never wrong about my goals nor mistaken about what I’m deeply obsessed with, I just can’t help but overthinking and trying to figure out what’s missing.

depression, art, painting, colors, way, soul, depth, darkness, survive, saved, loneliness, inspire, life, quotes, blog, writing, brushes, vlack, dark, blogger, blogging

Regardless of how I feel right now and the surroundings, I just wish I could read that in a year after I have finally figured out that there was nothing wrong with my intuition.

I wish life takes me somewhere far away that completely pulls me from my negative thoughts until I forget what they were like.

I wish the time I take to read this in a year feels sorry enough for the current me.
And I wish it never wants to go back to a crisis that’s full of nothingness.

thoughts, art, girl, lonely, depressed, existence, crisis, obsessed, overthinking, soul, colors, painting, artist

Got to stay fair while speaking about my type of impasse, it took me a while to find out that I didn’t exist for this whole period.. letting the clock pass in a slow pattern while I have completely isolated myself to sleep everyday for 16 hours straight and waking up to take my meds and eat a meal I usually crave and then start a new sleeping row, is completely not being alive.. and again this isn’t depression nor death but I’m pretty sure there’ll be a definition for that when I’m officially down or making history.